Stickks was rather sensitive about photos. I seriously have no idea why. We tried ever, ever so hard to get the Nike bag away from her face.
Aikks & I. I have a friggin’ huge smile, haven’t I? Gotta work on that, don’t wanna freak the hell out of people when I try to be friendly.
Nickks & myself.
Qawi, Syadz, Izwan & I, off to lunch. Speaking of which, I am hungry.
At Millenium.
So I suppose you noticed it’s all Muslim kids except me right? Yeah well, I had to hang back after school for music class and they had IRK exams in the afternoon. I had half a mind with the intention of taking IRK as an elective next year, you know just sleep through the whole semester.
****Science exam in a couple of hours, I’m good. But pretty hungry. English went alright on Thursday, but I ended up with a lot more words than the required. Like, Section A asked for a 300 words. I ended up with almost 700. Section B’s minimum was about 150, I got about 500. That’s like, 3 times the freaking required! What can I say? Writing is kinda my thing. Honestly. As much as I talk a lot, I write a lot.
So the photo shoot at Neo went alright Thursday night. I seriously didn’t know what to wear and had to ask Rona & Aikks just what online haha, I had to go and webcam myself after dressing up, asking their opinion. Honey or Sarah Jane, I don’t know, told me to wear a dress or some slacks or something and since I had none of the above mentioned, I ended up looking like someone from Panic At The Disco. You know vintage frilly shirt and black non-slacks? I think I looked fine.
I thought I’d adapt my theme from them, they have the awesomest wardrobe, Panic does. It’s like, semi-vintage, classic clothes from the 17th century era. I think.
****Yeah, you totally are. I’m all for it, yet I’m not going to do anything, not a step forward, ‘cause all I know is that it would go nowhere between you and I. And even if it did, it’d probably end so bad we won’t want to ever do something like that again. But I could be wrong, so I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to start off as friends.
Labels: exams, people, personal things, photographs, school