Quoting Jon Mikael Acosta aka Mickko.
Days to PMB:
1Well lads, this is it. The moment we have
NOT been waiting for. I mean, I never really thought this day would come you know?
The last day before PMB. Okay, yeah, I knew it
had to come some day, I just thought that something would happen along the way, like the MOE’d change their minds and cancel it. Guess not.
I still cannot believe that we’re finally having the exam tomorrow.
TOMORROW. Kinda kills doesn’t it? Well for some odd reason, I don’t feel nervous or anxious or anything. I just wanna get over and be done with it already. Hell, almost everyone I know went through this well before us, and if they can do it, then we definitely can. I mean, it can’t be that hard right?
We’ve had three days stuck at home revising 3 years worth of information for the next three weeks. Yeah, I’ve been studying. If you can call
“intently studying, observing and concluding the last 5 PMB papers trying to figure out a PATTERN so as to know what is coming out this year just so that I can do as little studying as possible” studying. Know what I’m saying?
I’ve practically cracked the system and figured out patterns for almost all the subjects. Well, either I’m incredibly brilliant enough to figure all that out what question’s be asked this year or I’m just too lazy to read my textbooks.
But I’m not kidding, I seriously figured out what
COULD be coming out. Sorry I didn’t tell you guys earlier. Haha. I just can’t stand sitting around and memorizing stuff, I have this
Instead of being poster teen of procrastinator (that’s Ells’ job),
I’m model kid of zero-attention span. Yep. I get distracted by the
smallest thing. But I managed to study everything I possibly can while getting distracted every 5 minutes by either my guitar, Sudoku, food, FaceBook or MSN.
I don’t have a FaceBook but Ells let me borrow her account the other day and it is actually quite fun. I’m not sure if I should get one though. You’d have to upload photos all the time, get comments from people, reply people’s comments, edit this, edit that and all that junk. I’m just not ready for that kind of commitment you know.
That’s why I’ve neglected my Friendster. Oh, and I opened my Friendster the other day for the
FIRST TIME IN SIX MONTHS and guess what I found?
600 new comments. I am loved. No really. I appreciate all those who’ve sent me comments during my Friendster inactivity ( I don’t think you’ve realized that I’ve stopped using it), thanks a lot, but I’m afraid I just can’t reply all that. Commitment you know? I lack it. But for those who still wanna stalk me, if you’re lucky, I might get a FaceBook. Just after PMB alright?
I actually thought I’d be less on the Net these three days but in fact it was the most time I’ve spent. Hey, I’ve got good reasons for being online every night! Aikks and I have been online exchanging BM notes we’ve (mostly I) lost. I mean seriously, who nicks my papers from my bag anyway?! Geez.
I’ve managed to study everything for BM the last two days so that I can spend the last day relaxing instead of hopelessly cramming. I’m brilliant :DD I have a concert to study for too man! I have to memorize tabs, chords, notes and all not just innate details of The Sarajevo Incident or something.
Well, g’luck to all fellow 9th graders all over the country. If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. Right? I don’t know, I just got it from some movie, Spiderman I think, seemed right to put it there. Haha.
It’s a piece of chocolate mousse.Labels: exams, FaceBook, Friendster, myself, school