Can you believe it? We have oral exams tomorrow. ALREADY. Mocks are in a couple of weeks and the board exam is just two months away. Two months. Gosh. How did that happen? I don’t mind the English orals, they’re pretty easy, du-uh, but the BM one. What am I supposed to do? I don’t even speak the freaking language. I can already see myself, attempting (quite badly) to communicate with the teacher who’s supposed to grade me.
I guess I’ll have to resort to the oldest, noblest of my traditions: winging it. Works all the time, though not quite perfectly.
Ahh well. Wish me luck world |: It’s gonna be a hard day.
Relax, take it easy, for there is nothing we can do.
That's it, listen to Mika, he knows the way. Yeah. Relax, take it easy.
Labels: personal things, random, school