Quit being so gay yeah?
Kidding again.
HAHA, is this the best birthday greeting or what?
Anywayy, happy birthday to your sad self
And there’s only one thing I wanna ask you:
It’s Brandy’s birthday today. Okay, so his name isn’t Brandy, it’s short for Branden. It’s just that Branden is such a drag to say and eventually we started calling him Brandy and so did all the teachers. HAHA. And he’s bloody tall for someone his age, honest. We totally embarrassed him today; we sang that totally overrated Happy Birthday song and his face was SO RED. Awwww, Branden. HAHAHA. Even though everyone usually pisses off/teases him, we love him :] HAHA. When something incredibly stupid happens in class, teacher’d go like, ‘WHO DID THAT?!’ and the whole class would go like, ‘BRANDEN. AIYO, THIS BRANDEN AHH.’ Hahahahahaha, but he knows we’re kidding so he doesn’t mind. Just today, somebody threw a pen hard at his head. OW. And Nicks was like, Happy Birthday! LMAO. And they framed him something stupid again today going like, ‘HAIIIII, THIS BIRTHDAY BOY AHH.’ And they also tease him for being gay or for liking Aikko or something. NEITHER IS TRUE, OF COURSE. I think. Ahh well, once a Brandy, always a Brandy. That ding dong.